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Sunday, 27 March 2016

Life Throwback - Earth Hour 2016

Did you guys switched off your lights during Earth Hour this year from 8:30pm to 9:30pm? I did!

What is actually the purpose of the “Earth Hour” activity anyway? As far as I know when I was young, it was just to save electricity, and that’s it; clear full-stop.

Growing up getting trained to switch off the lights every Earth Hour builds up the curiosity in me, what am I actually doing? What’s everyone doing? What does this do? Why? So I thank technology today, so I can just simply go on my phone, type in the Google search bar,
“What’s the purpose of Earth Hour?”

The goal, of course, is to inspire people to reduce their energy consumption every day, not by sitting in the dark for an hour, but by taking simple steps that can have a dramatic effect, -

Click the link below to read more of the article I read:

Well, yes, if I say I know nothing about Earth Hour, I’d be lying. I know bits of it & few tiny reason behind it. Sometimes I just... I don’t even bother that much. Don’t get me wrong, now I know the positive effect it does to our Earth. I am more than glad to be doing this annually!

Speaking of doing this annually, well actually this year, I was asked by my teachers (to all of my classmates too btw) to celebrate Earth Hour, it doesn’t matter if you do it alone, with friends, families at your home, outside, when having dinner or just an evening coffee break, the aim is to snap a picture or record a video of you and (maybe) your friends on how you guys spent your Earth Hour and this will be posted in our college during Energy Day(?) somewhere during August.

Well for me, I went a little cliché; I went to typical Starbucks, HAHAHAHAH. YEP. Why? Because I know they celebrate Earth Hour & they have nice background to snap pictures. Plus it’s quite near to my house too soooooo, why not?

I actually bumped into my group of school-mates as well there; they were also doing their “Earth Hour celebrating moment” whereas I, I was alone, well not technically, hahahah, I was with my lovely best-friend, my mom. HAHAHA

When I placed my order, I noticed that there’s a 50% OFF for every second purchase after 4pm that day. I’m like, “yassss, a good valid reason for me to get another cup” (insert creepy moon emoji)

Sorry, it’s quite illegible; it’s clearly the stamp markings’ imperfections fault. LOOL

had another drink right after...

Stayed that for an hour & I posted few snaps of myself (& my drink DUHHH) to my class group. Everyone also did great! They lighted candles in their rooms, lined ‘em up, they had flying lanterns and such. Whereas I, I just had quite a laid-back evening, chillin’ with my beverage. It’s the easiest thing I can think of, that has a very nice background and a very good presentation. xD

Here’s a website that’ll answer most of your Earth Hour questions:
(official website for Earth Hour)

So what did you guys did during Earth Hour this year? Did you guys do anything fun? I hope so! Let’s make next year a more interesting one, I mean I should make it more interesting next year, haha. Who knows I can come up with a fun idea that everyone can join in? Who knows! NYEHEHE

Alright, today’s post is quite informative enough than the others. I enjoy doing these though, let me know if there’s any other annual event/social events I should join or contribute with, love to try new things out!

Have a lovely day & I’ll see you soon! (Intensely hoping that I can fit in time during my busy days)

Goodbye & Assalamualaikum,

Lots of love, Faizeemah. xoxo

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